Loving Well
Loving Well
Relationship Superpower #4 – Emotional Fluency (a.k.a. Omnilingualism of the Heart)
If I had to pick just one relationship superpower for the top of my list…a heavy hitter that would get you the most bang for your buck in the arena of love and life, it would be this: Emotional Fluency (a.k.a Omnilingualism of the heart).
Relationship Superpower #3 – Flexibility
Flexibility, when done well, is indicative of accepting influence. It demonstrates that you’re not stuck in a rigid and fixed perspective. One where you hold tightly to your own stories and refuse to stretch yourself and try on your partner’s viewpoint.
Foreboding Joy and the Imperative to Delight
What happens if, from the very beginning, life slaps us down and turns us away, meeting us with desynchronization or silence?
Relationship Superpower #2 – Invisibility
Invisibility (aka disappearing, taking space, or getting quiet) is one of the most challenging relationship superpowers to master.
Relationship Superpower #1 – Boundaries of Steel (How To Stand Up For Yourself)
Knowing how to stand up for yourself is no small feat. I would even argue it’s a superpower, and like all superpowers, it takes time and skill to master.
What is a Private Couples Retreat?
Watch this video to learn more about if a private retreat couples retreat is right for you.
John Gottman and Brene Brown on Running Headlong Into Heartbreak
When I reflect on the lessons of John Gottman and Brené Brown, one concept stands out: we must run headlong into heartbreak because there are things far worse than having our hearts broken.
Is my partner a narcissist?
The story of Narcissist cautions of the perils of living in a one-sided relationship. A marriage where one person’s words and behaviors dominate and where there’s little (if any) room for mutuality.
Divorce is the Most Important Story You’ll Ever Tell Your Child
While the statistics say somewhere between 40-50% of adults will have to navigate this terrain at some point in their lives, when you embark on it, when it finally happens, your divorce can feel excruciatingly unique. Painfully individual.
What If My Partner (or Spouse) Refuses to Go to Counseling?
If your spouse or partner will not attend couples therapy, the best thing you can do is to avoid taking it personally. Instead, consider the following points when trying to “get to the heart of the matter.”
Add a Little “Jazz” to Your Couples Therapy Repertoire
Join Us for a Two-Day Training on the PACT Model with PACT Founder Dr. Stan Tatkin
Building a Multicolored Love Map
With 17 percent of marriages taking place among multiracial couples (compared to 3 percent just 50 years ago), this blog explores how to keep the “love alive” despite the distinct pressures of multiracial relationships.
Substance Abuse and the Codependent Marriage
When a marriage falls into codependence, the codependent partner becomes an enabler to the abusive habits. While they may genuinely want to help, their codependence becomes an addiction of its own. This traps both in a cycle that can only be broken by get
Anxious Attachment: What Your Relationship Style Says About You
Why are romantic commitments so hard to maintain? Is it the stress of work? Money? Kids? Or could it be the way our brains are wired from birth, causing us to form anxious attachments with our parents and, later, our romantic partners?
Doctors Marrying Doctors
40 percent of doctors marry other doctors. But is this a recipe for marital bliss? How successful are dual-physician couples long-term? Our experts weigh in on the matter.