Reduced Fee Couples Therapy Openings

Back in 2021, during the throes of COVID-19, I made the difficult decision to cease all contracts with health insurance panels and transition NCCT to a sliding fee-for-service model. My reasons for doing such were complex, but ultimately, it came down to what I considered a short-term sacrifice supporting the long-term health of our center. I had devoted ten years of my life to building a specialized clinic for couples in crisis. I was determined not to let managed care and the increasingly outrageous obstacles it presented (for clients and providers) jeopardize the potential of a center I dreamt of one day leaving for our community.

At the time, I envisioned a day when I could offer significantly reduced couples therapy to relationships in need. I remained hopeful that a couples therapy center that does not cater exclusively to the upper middle class and simultaneously is not beholden to managed care was possible.

It has taken over three years, but I’m proud to say that that time has come and that NCCT is now offering significantly reduced-fee and affordable couples therapy in person and online for couples in need. So, if you are uninsured, underinsured, or cannot afford to pay the full rate out-of-pocket, we now have 36 openings as of September 1st reserved exclusively for couples who cannot afford couples therapy and need reduced-fee sessions.

I will end by saying that this is just the beginning and that, ultimately, my goal is to offer couples therapy that slides between being free and paying what you can afford, making the caliber of services we are known for—evidence-informed, state-dependent, in-depth experience—accessible to all couples. Until then, this is a significant step in that direction and maintains our commitment to providing in-office and online couples counseling—at a reduced rate—to couples needing therapy.

If you are a couple needing reduced-fee couples therapy and cannot afford market rates for therapy, lack adequate mental health insurance coverage, and have an annual household income meeting our criteria, schedule your initial consultation HERE. We anticipate these slots will fill quickly and are making them available based on demonstrated financial need on a first come, first serve basis.

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