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What People Are Saying

What People Are Saying

“Kerry gets it. She’s an expert educator and clinician, world-class writer, and all-around wonderful human being who brings empathy and compassion to her work. You can trust her with your relationship.”

– Michael Fulwiler, Former Chief Marketing Officer of The Gottman Institute

“Northampton Center for Couples Therapy is on the cutting edge of what works to make relationships better. It is hard to find a group of couples therapists more dedicated to the practice of improving the lives of couples.”
-Shane Birkel, Host of The Couples Therapist Couch Podcast
“Northampton Center for Couples Therapy is a beacon of light for so many couples who find themselves stuck in darkness and despair. The combination of the newest evidence based treatment modalities with unparalleled compassion and wisdom separates the Northampton Center from all others. Reach out if you need help.”
-George Faller, Founder of The New York Center for Emotionally Focused Therapy

“Kerry is leading the charge in pushing the field of Couple’s therapy forward. Her integration of different evidence-based models provides clients with superb treatment.”
-George Faller, LMFT and Author: Emotionally Focused Family Therapy

“It is a wonderful thing to help a family. It is a far greater thing to save one. Thank you.”
“I think that every couple can benefit from spending some time looking at their relationship, and this is BY FAR the best place for that!”
“What do you do when someone with knowledge, expertise, and a steady, informed hand guides you in ways you have never been guided before? You start to heal. You heal yourself, and you heal your marriage.”
“We have grown as a couple and as individuals who find value in a marriage that was near unsalvageable. We still have our moments, but they are fewer and farther between and handled with a great deal more maturity and compassion.”
“Our experience has been more effective, more psychologically and emotionally eye-opening, and more productive than all of our previous counselors combined. We are better at all of this – better partners, better parents and step-parent, better lovers, and far better friends.”
“This online course resulted in more breakthroughs in understanding my partner than all years of therapy had previously accomplished.”
“I love your course Kerry, I think it has saved us.”
“This course is extremely well-researched, straightforward, practical, and brilliantly direct.”
“Yvonne was fantastic. She was the most skilled couples therapist I’ve ever seen. She is down to earth, kind, thoughtful and brilliant.”