What's Included?
Day 1: Your Roadmap
The first day of your retreat is devoted to our becoming experts on your relationship. We’ll look at how you fight (or don’t), the quality of your friendship, your dreams and goals, and your intimacy and life challenges. At the heart of our work is the Gottman Relationship Assessment, a comprehensive tool that examines the many facets of your marriage.
We will dedicate time to meeting with you together and individually. You’ll engage in thoughtful and well-paced conversations with your therapist, informed by research that allows us to gain a rich understanding of the landscape of your life together, its peaks and valleys, and your future horizons.
While you break for lunch, your therapist will create a customized roadmap catered specifically to you as a couple. When you return from lunch, we will devote our attention to sharing our thoughts and recommendations with you, giving you the knowledge and insights necessary to act and stabilize your situation quickly.
With multiple days devoted to our work together, we’ll accomplish what would normally take 7 hours/4 weeks of couples therapy, in just the first day.
With multiple days devoted to our work together, we’ll accomplish what would normally take 7 hours/4 weeks of couples therapy, in just the first day.

Day 2/3: Mastery + Strategies for Change
With a thorough understanding of the terrain of your relationship, day(s) 2 and 3 of your retreat are devoted to the acquisition and mastery of new skills.
A critical piece of the work you’ll do is called state-dependent learning. This is based on research that demonstrates people learn and acquire new skills best when given the opportunity to practice in a supportive environment that creates circumstances that are similar — but not identical to — situations where previously you have been stuck.
Simply put, your therapist will skillfully guide you through those familiar gridlocked places. The difference — you’ll have the time, tools and support needed to get unstuck, to take risks, to feel heard, and to hear your partner in ways that previously felt impossible. And we won’t shy away from the tough stuff.
Going Home: Taking it on the Road
To maximize the gains you’ll make during your retreat, it’s essential that you return home with a plan of action.
We’ll wrap up the retreat by consolidating the work you’ve done and sending you home with a plan for success.
Your retreat package won’t end upon departure. As part of our commitment to your relationship, we want to support you in continuing to expand on the progress you’ve made during your time with us.
In addition to the gains of your retreat, you’ll go home with:
- A summary of your relationship assessment, skills, and tools acquired during your weekend with us
- A book we choose for you from our library on relationship wellness
- Recommendations for supplemental treatment if needed
- A one-hour follow-up coaching session scheduled with your couples therapist
- An (optional) 15-minute follow-up phone interview to ensure you are satisfied with NCCT and the gains you’ve made
- Access to scheduling subsequent mini-retreats, a service offered exclusively to couples who have completed a weekend retreat at NCCT
Making progress that usually takes 2-3 months of weekly couples therapy, in just one weekend you’ll lay the groundwork for a radical shift in your relationship.
Build the foundation for healthy communication, trust, intimacy, and friendship in the years to come. Contact us now and schedule your initial phone consultation.